Private Tutor Session
Here at The Shed we understand that everyone is different, wether you work or live on a different schedule to others or you just learn differently. We as a community want everyone to be involved in woodworking as much as possible. If you’ve looked over our site and think that maybe you aren’t able to commit to a full length course, worried about your ability within the workshop or want a more tailored experience, we have just the thing for you!
To be able to attend to everyone's needs and wants we have set up a one on one tutoring session, this allows you to have a more in-depth experience with a tutor to help you get started, finish off a project, fix an existing piece of furniture or maybe its just a small project that wouldn’t require a full 10 week programme that you need help with.
Please read all information before contacting us
Here are some reasons to book a tutor session @ The Shed Melbourne:
Finish off an existing project
Furniture repair
Small one off projects
Help with a design you’re working on outside of workshop
Wanting something different
Before booking a bench for a tutor session you need to contact the shed at in that email we ask that you provide some information so we can try and find the perfect fit for you.
Information we need
What is the project you are wanting to work on
What experience do you have in a workshop
Are you wanting to bring your own timber or are you wanting to buy some timber through our affiliated timber yards
If you are bringing your own timber what type of timber is it
When is your best availability for this session
Do you have any individual needs that we need to be aware of
From there we will connect you with one of our tutors or professionals via email to start organising your session. Once that sessions project, time, date is locked in with your tutor you will be given a specific link to then book into the date and times discussed with your tutor.
the fine print
**All appointments have a minimum time amount of 3hrs and minimum cost of $345 which covers the first 3hrs tutor and bench rental, with an additional $75 per extra hour and a maximum of 6hrs. Additional time cannot be purchased on the day of your session so please plan appropriately.
Purchasing For Someone Else
We currently do no offer gift cards for private tutoring sessions as each session is completely tailored to the specific persons needs, dates and times, we sometimes cannot guarantee a spot that lines up with all of those for everyone. We suggest talking to your loved one regarding a session getting them to reach out to us to organise a private session. From there we can send the link direct link to the purchaser.